Friday, November 4, 2011

Critique on 'This is the future, so why ruin it?'

I agree with the author’s blog that the fact that most public schools are feeling the brunt of the withered economy is deplorable.  I know that with the economy being so poor many of us have to make “sacrifices”.  After all, we are really all to blame in some way; most of us live above our means – not giving a second thought to charging things to a credit card or taking out loans for cars or a house.  We are all to blame, that is, except for the children.   So, it’s angering to see that many children who’ve nothing to do with the mess are the ones suffering.  It doesn’t make sense.  Just like it doesn’t make sense that many young adults are going to have to shoulder what their parents and grandparents created.  “It isn’t fair” rings all too true and, yet, needless spending is still taking place, even with the state of the economy.  Flat screen T.Vs, really???  Why?  Granted it isn’t going to pay for a teacher’s salary but, I’m sure the accumulation of such purchases would. 
Yet, in the end it seems (as always) that the finger is pointed at “the government”, it’s portrayed as this big, mean, evil, entity that steals money from children to buy more guns for war but, aren’t we to blame for putting this government in charge? Aren’t we the ones that, who have been sitting on our hands watching the Kardashian wedding instead of the writing our Congressmen?  It’s America so, aren’t WE the ones that control the government?  The author asks, “Who is letting this happen to us?” and unfortunately, there is a simple answer: I did, you did…WE did.

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