Saturday, October 1, 2011

Texans are minority on In-State Tuition Immigration issues

The New York Times piece reports that even though most Texans side with current Presidential nominee and Texas Republican Governor, Rick Perry, in support of the law that allows undocumented immigrants to pay in-state tuition, we might be the odd man out as most other Republican groups adamantly oppose the law. 

Immigration is one of the few issues where I’m decidedly “undecided”.  I understand the idea of not wanting educated adults to leave and compete with America but, being an adult recently thrown into the workforce, I feel that there are plenty of us to go around. This article speaks to me on two levels: I’ve lived on the border and sympathize with people who would do almost anything to come here, yet I am also a person worried about job opportunity and know there are thousands of adults graduating from college every year.  Though I'm still unsure of my view, it's too hard to just ignore an issue that effects me so directly.  No matter my stance, however, this article proves immigration issues are alive and well and will not easily be put on the back burner. 

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